
Yurio yuri on ice
Yurio yuri on ice

He pledges to make the most of his body while it lasts, since he knows he's only got one or two years in the senior division at best before he starts to really struggle. Also, Yurio's flexibility will most likely diminish as he ages, and he incorporates a lot of traditionally feminine spins, holds, and back bends that older male skaters are not built for.


Meanwhile, on the other end of the scale, Yurio, who is just starting his professional career, is still up against time: his fay-like, graceful looks (which are key to his style and give him an edge in competition) will almost certainly fade as he matures, as well as the fact that he's a bit of a late bloomer puberty-wise and it's implied he's living on borrowed time before a probable growth spurt that will render his muscle memory and technical training counterproductive until he adapts to his body again.He offers up a little prayer that Victor's attention will at least last until Yuri takes his final bow. Yuri reminds us that this is "probably" his last season, and that both Victor's interest in his career and Yuri's own body are unlikely to last beyond it.The end of the episode is a sad reflection on the inevitability of time taking its toll on the characters:.His smile on the podium borders on a grimace, with pain clear in his eyes. Victor looking worn, tired, and just plain unhappy at the press conference after he's just become the five-time consecutive world champion.When Victor's dog leaps on Yuri and gives him kisses, Yuri's first reaction is " Vicchan?" It takes him a minute to realize his beloved pet hasn't risen from the dead and has come back to him.It doesn't help that when Yuri returns to Hasetsu, he goes to the family altar where Vicchan's picture has been put up and apologizes for not being there for him one last time. The death of Yuri's dog is already saddening in itself, especially to those who knows what it's like to lose a beloved pet.Instead of going home, Yuri goes to finish college in Detroit, wanting to return inconspicuously and revive his love for skating. In between, he binges on pork cutlet bowls and gains weight not fit for an athlete. Then one of the upstart skaters berates him in the bathroom while he's trying to hide from everyone, and then he fails at every other of his competitions, meaning he can't finish the season. Then he chokes on his performance, falling dead last. How's this for a Trauma Conga Line? Yuri, who was preparing for the Grand Prix Final, finds out that his dog has died.

yurio yuri on ice

Then Yurio violently kicks the door of Yuri's stall to get his attention, only for Yuri to suffer the additional indignity of having a Teen Genius and his idol's rinkmate scream at him about what a failure he is and how he should just give up already.

yurio yuri on ice

There's the entire scene of Yuri sitting in a bathroom stall alone, trying desperately not to cry while talking with his mom on his cellphone, only to break down in tears over the succession of failures he'd gone through that day after he hangs up, which is already pretty heart-wrenching.

yurio yuri on ice

This episode has Yurio following Yuri to the bathroom.Yurio can only heap on the abuse when he sees Yuri fail and sees him get closer to Victor. The fact that Yurio is such a bully to Yuri when Episode 12 reveals that he admires Yuri and wants him to keep skating.The show regularly stops to remind you not only that Yuri will quit if he can't improve his competitive performance, but that he'll probably quit even if he does - there's a sense that, whatever the outcome, this really is his swan song. The premise is the opposite of most sports anime: instead of "struggling rookie trying to get into the big leagues," it's "professional sportsman facing the twilight of his career having not achieved his dreams".Despite being generally upbeat, Yuri!!! on Ice does melancholy particularly well.

Yurio yuri on ice